WIN MORE SALES, by being more you, using my MINDFUL SELLING METHOD

without being pushy or salesy

IMAGINE if only you could…

♦ Take clients from cold to sold, over and over again.

Walk into any meeting knowing how to get them to say YES to you

Confidently charge more without discounting

Do more fun stuff in your biz, guilt free, because you know how to sell

Stop worrying if you'll still have a business in 6 months because you know how to win new business

This is what I know about "YOU"

➤ You are a freelancer or micro-business owner who needs to sell 1-2-1 (person-to-person) but you’ve never had to sell before or you hate selling

Everything is in place, you’ve tweaked your logo, played with your website, again, you faff on social media. Why are you scared to sell yourself and present yourself? Why can’t you just say it? But we both know you’re putting off the dreaded selling part. 

➤ The frustration of selling comes from not knowing what to say

But you know what you can do is beneficial to them. But where do you start? What do you say to get the response that they would like to work with you and commit to following up?

➤ How do you say what you need to without being scared

You just want to say your thing without sounding like you’re scared. You want to sound confident, but not aggressive, sound like you know what you’re doing and you believe in yourself. Instead of your voice trailing off like a whisper. You and I both know that person isn’t you!

You want to feel easy and confident in face-to-face meetings with potential clients

You want to have good meetings with clients and make more sales. Lots of them!

You have been told sales is really important but you have no clue where to get started.


You tried selling BUT…

You fail miserably, wasting time, wasting valuable opportunities  ☹

❌ No one buys or shows interest

❌ No one replies your emails or calls

So you try some more…

You scan the internet💻  or buy a sales book📖  and try some canned scripts 📝  (which are so dull and obviously scripted, that others can see through).

You then shift to sales trainers or coaches promising that you can learn techniques and scripts that can triple your sales in as little as 3 months for one easy payment of £6000!

Well, that script might work for THEM, because of their pushy naturally chatty personality.


Feels like a great
big gulf between
you and happy clients! 


You fail at all of these..

Not in a tired exhausted way, but in a hopeless, frightened way.

But you do wonder, how do all these people sell? The ones who easily control conversations, to turn people they’ve just met, into interested buyers, and turn interested buyers into money in the bank?

You're wondering, what can you do to get the same sort of interest from people you’ve just met, and turning them into happy customers? Without being pushy or salesy?

You quit your job to start this, so the money will run out soon. You have to make this work because you don’t want to go back to an office job. You know you can do it, but there’s this great big wall in your way. Because if you don’t or can’t do it, there’s going to be trouble.

There’s this great big wall in your way

While others…

👉🏼Grow their interested customers and paying clients 📈

👉🏼 Steal your market-share 💹

👉🏼 Enjoy freedom from the rat race🕺🏿

YOU DON'T HAVE TO do this anymore...

I have developed a system that takes away…

🌟 The guess work out of sales conversations

🌟 The problem of where to begin with sales

🌟 The struggle with confidence and blocks holding you back and dealing with their questions


It literally takes you from clueless, hopeless & fearful to clarity, hopeful & confident.

Within 2-weeks, without needing a personality transplant




My name is Anis and I am just as quiet, introverted, not a natural talker, and not pushy, as you are.

I am a former social-awkwardite turned entrepreneur.

I am happier in the company of my cat and wife, than other people.

I am not the typical sales person. Raised in a culture that doesn’t like girls, I had zero social life before working. So I was painfully shy.

I practise mindfulness. It helped me let go of tonnes of emotional baggage holding me back in so many ways. 

I am also someone who knows how to turn conversations with strangers into paying clients, in the shortest possible time, using scientific and mindfulness methods.


I have been featured in….


 It won’t work for me because I am not a sales person.. 

You're in the right place. People are always surprised to hear I am a sales person. You not being a sales person works to your advantage! People can sniff sales people a mile away and run the other way. All you need is to care about people. And I know you care.

 It won’t work for me because I am introverted 

Good, so am I. This works for me, works for other introverts, it will work for you.

 It won't work for me because my business is unique and it's personal. 

You're right, your business is unique. But sales is never about what you sell, it's about the psychology of buyers and what they want.

 If it was that simple then everyone would be selling 

No one takes the time to learn because most people work in jobs where sales people sell. I didn’t know how to sell. I was a social awkwardite and couldn’t say boo to a goose. Like anything, you can learn it. You will make mistakes, it won’t happen immediately, but you get a framework and systems and cheat-sheets to help you get there.


➤ The first of its kind training teaches you a mindful approach to sales so you can sell without the stress, without being sleazy, with your dignity and soul intact.

➤ Unlike other courses that focus on techniques that work if you have the go-getter rah rah persona of a salesperson, this course helps you achieve the mind and soul shift, specifically designed to help absolute beginners, with zero confidence and zero experience in sales. 

➤ Unlike other courses that are taught by salesy or TYPE A personas, what works for typical sales people doesn’t sit well with the likes of you and me. Here you will learn from an introvert and rare trainer who doesn’t espouse typical salesperson traits. If you're calm, introverted and don't like being pushy, you're in the right place.

➤ Unlike other courses which are mostly theory, this course is delivered in a short, digestible, practical way, giving you exercise, customisable templates and worksheets. 

➤ Finally, instead of learning from theory or people who've mostly been trainers, you're learning from my experience of making +10,000 cold calls, meeting with +6600 people, in 20 countries, multiple industries, from sole-traders to government officials, generating £millions in revenue.

I would recommend it to people like me, unfamiliar to selling

"I wouldn't have trusted it as a resource, it wasn't until I heard you speak that I thought it would be useful.

Selling isn't something I've got much experience of, to have something that sets things out in an easy template for that you could have a strategy for, made a lot of sense.

I would just chat to people, so it was very open ended. I would go to networking events and leave with friends, but never be able to close them.

Liked how it was broken in to bite-sized digestible chunks, really well thought out and easy to understand. The templates were brilliant, that you download and fill out. What I liked about the templates: you are guided into making your own tailor made book, which gives you an element of control and confidence when you face a new conversation, whether that's face to face or over the phone. The templates simplify the process, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel on each occasion.

I would recommend this online course to people like me, unfamiliar to selling, it will give them a map to begin plotting their thinking about it."

London Bespoke Designer


✔ Uncover simple techniques that boosts your confidence so you can stop procrastinating selling, and get paid your worth.

✔ Gain skills to manage your mindset so you look and feel confident, but not aggressive, so your voice doesn't trail off to a whisper while you’re speaking (who is that?!).

✔ Simple powerful persuasion hacks helping you stand out,  realise why they should pay MORE for your services.


✔ How to get past the first stage of meeting someone so you overcome the awkwardness and get down to business.

✔ Learn how to guide conversations in a proactive way, so you’re not always on the defensive feeling like you’re being attacked. 

✔ Learn the secret 4A system of guiding conversations, without being pushy or salesy, while deeply engaging the other person.


✔ Know how to get a sense whether the conversation is going somewhere or not, so they don't blank you after the meeting.

✔ Why do they say they’re interested, and then not hear back from them anymore? Avoid the biggest mistakes that make this happen too frequently, so you can re-engage them.

✔ Learn science-backed ways to persuade them, without being salesy, so that they know, like and trust you, and want to do business with you.

✔ How to talk about you / your products and services without babbling, so they get it and understand why you’re good for them.

✔ Avoid the curse of knowledge that leaves prospects confused about what you do. 

✔ What happens when they say no? Don't worry, you'll learn proven methods to steer their "no" around.

✔ Exactly what to say, to gently turn the conversation around, so you can stay in control.

✔ And learn how to get that all important YES from them.


✔ Zoom Like You're in the Room: how to engage over video (value £47)

✔ 20 Proven ways to follow-up so they buy from you later instead of disappearing forever (value £47)

✔ Your secret sales squad - get your customers to sell you (value £47)

✔ What to say when they say no so you salvage opportunities instead of wasting them (value £97)

What Do Entrepreneurs Say About My Trainings

- Co-Founder, OpenPlay

"I wish I’d come across Anis 18 months ago when first starting out. Her methods would have saved so many thankless calls and outbound emails!"  

Founder, Lugar Media

"Anis is like a chiropractor for the sales soul; her coaching gave me structure and confidence to sell more effectively, and my sales started to grow."

- Founder, DPS Financial Marketing

"I felt nervous that I wouldn’t come across in the right way. Anis helped be more confident in approaching potential clients the right way, made selling easier for me, and as a result I landed my first client and have hot new prospects."

What Are Others Saying

Now I feel much more confident and comfortable in business meetings.

I hadn’t thought about investing in online sales training prior to coming across Anis’ course. Although I had had my business for over 5 years, I had primarily been working on interim contracts through agencies and wanted to transition to being a consultant business owner, working with multiple clients. I’d had a couple of freelance clients, but I knew that to make it sustainable I would have to get much more comfortable with approaching and selling myself directly to clients. I was putting off contacting clients because I was scared of getting a meeting and then not quite knowing how to structure that meeting or what to say to move towards a sale. After getting a lot of value from one of Anis’ free webinars, I knew that I would get so much more value from the course.

Mindful Selling Miniclass really changed my mindset around selling. Despite being comfortable with marketing (I’m a marketing consultant), I still had negative associations with sales and felt very uncomfortable with the whole process.

There are easy to remember frameworks that I now use to prepare for business meetings, which make me feel much more confident and comfortable.

I would recommend anyone who needs to improve their sales skills to take this course. It’s a small investment in building skills that will benefit you for a lifetime.

- Julie, Freelance Marketing Consultant

Given me the confidence and tools! 
"Working with Anis helped me overcome a lifetime of under-valuing myself, my current work, and my future value to society. She’s given me the confidence and tools to push well beyond these boundaries, and I will be forever thankful."

 London Artist

Companies pay up to £2000 per person for sales training

I should know, I've received corporate training. Companies invest tens of £1000s training is because they know how important it is. You're getting it at an affordable price.

We’re confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. We back that up with your 110% money back guarantee. Here’s how it works:

Test drive Mindful Selling Miniclass. If within 14 days you don’t feel we’ve delivered value, if you honestly still don’t know what to say, if you don’t have more confidence, clarity or certainty, in your face-to-face sales, then we don’t deserve to keep your money. You have every right to ask for a full refund PLUS a further 10% for wasting your time.

Just reply to your welcome email, within 14 days, and we’ll issue you a full refund + 10%. 

You have nothing to lose by joining this program, but you have a whole world of fulfillment, profit and peace of mind to gain.


 Learn a simple structure to help you sell well so you get on with securing meetings and start earning

  Get insider secrets, compounded, to massively change the way you sell, so you avoid wasting time and valuable leads 

➊ Begin to feel comfortable with selling and your clients will feel this too

➋ Feel empowered to raise your prices so you can make a bigger impact

➌ Instead of shying away from closing, feel comfortable with asking for the business and get a yes on the spot.

➍ Uncover simple techniques that boosts your confidence so you can stop procrastinating selling, and get paid your worth

➎ Stop wasting opportunities by avoiding avoidable common mistakes and start making sales

➏ Learn basic techniques so you can sell without being pushy and start getting new clients

➐Confidently communicate your value in a way that resonates with your buyers

➑Simple powerful persuasion hacks that help you stand out and get why they should pay MORE for your services

➒Grow your sales so you can do what you love & enjoy your FREEDOM!

You’ll get access to:

Four modules with 31 videos in digestible training from Anis

Watch on the go on your mobile, tablet or laptop (with internet access)

Specific exercises and techniques to help you learn sales skills

Downloads and cheat-sheets to help you practise and imprint this new way of selling

Why this, Why Now?

Every minute you're not investing in sales activities, your competitors are taking away your market-share.

More than 90% of all new businesses fail within the first year, and nothing makes a business fail faster than NO SALES. Sales is the most important function in your new business, but frequently the last on the list of priorities. And too often new business owners and freelancers leave sales activities too late and end up being desperate. Nobody likes desperate people.

New business owners frequently waste money on marketing to get in front of the right people or bring the right people to you, but then don't know how to turn those conversations into cash in the bank. It's literally flushing money down the toilet


You’re about to meet a prospective buyer, and you’re no longer worried about what questions they might throw at you or how to control the conversation, or what to say. You know what to say, not in a scripted way, but a way that’s unique to you, that flows.

Imagine you’ve finished a meeting with a potential customer, you shake hands, they’re happy and excited to work with you. They want to pay you for your product / services! All from the meetings and conversations you had with them.

And later that day, you receive an email from another potential client confirming they’d like to buy your services, they don’t haggle, you didn’t discount to get it! You didn’t even worry about what to say or being asked awkward questions during your meetings. You flowed, controlled the conversation, with ease, and they totally got why they need you.

You decide to take the afternoon off, because the days and weeks you were going to spend slaving away on social media, attending countless free networking events, or begging and hoping for referrals, are now free! You can go on a date night with your partner or have QT with your kids. Or you can have some me time! 


The regular price for the course is £197.
If you decide it’s not for you, email me within 14 days and get your 110% refund. 

 You've got nothing to lose, we take all the risk.


 You have everything to gain


Your Investment





Includes 31 videos

Includes cheat-sheets

Plus bonuses worth £238 including...

20 Proven ways to follow-up so they buy from you (value £47)

Zoom Like You're in the Room (value £47)

Your secret sales squad (value £47)

Turnaround a NO (value £97)



one payment



Includes 31 videos

Includes cheat-sheets

Plus bonuses worth £238 including...

20 Proven ways to follow-up so they buy from you (value £47)

Zoom Like You're in the Room (value £47)

Your secret sales squad (value £47)

Turnaround a NO (value £97)




one payment

Includes 31 videos

Includes cheat-sheets

1-2-1 role-play practise  with Anis (value £397)

Plus bonuses worth £238 including...

20 Proven ways to follow-up so they buy from you (value £47)

Zoom Like You're in the Room (value £47)

Your secret sales squad (value £47)

Turnaround a NO (value £97)


Frequently Asked Questions

Sort of. You will receive the modules over a few days to ensure you avoid overwhelm, so you get through the course.

We cannot guarantee results because it all depends on whether you watch, how hard you work on the exercises, the state of mind of your customers and what your competitors are doing. But if you do the work, do your best, you will enjoy the benefits our customers have: won sales, closed bigger ticket sales, over and over again.

Yes if you buy the Confidence Bundle or 1-2-1 coaching. Otherwise no. I’m paid over £1500 for access

Give yourself 45 minutes a day to watch and do the work. Which is really not much time to do the single most important thing to thrive as a business.

Yes but the price goes up to £197 and the £238 bonuses disappear. But just so you know, the biggest regret my clients have is not starting sooner.

Then step away from the computer and DO NOT buy this course. I would prefer if you reflect on why you don’t finish. Is it because you’re subconsciously self-sabotaging? I’ll be here when you figure it out.

Because you will learn to make more money for the rest of your life. And unlike other training, it’s the first mindful approach to selling, suitable for non-sales people or who don’t have that outgoing boisterous persona. It’s made especially for you.

And if you think about how one new client is worth to you, this investment is insignificant compared to what's on the other side: learning how to make money over and over again.


50% Complete

Two Step

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