Refresh. Relax. Refocus.

Anis has helped 1000s of founders and freelancers, just like you, silence the monkey mind, so they can focus, feel well prepared for the day, be more productive and creative in their business.

For the first time we're bringing these daily sessions for you to create your new empowering daily ritual.

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Develop The Mental Strength & Balance You Need To Grow Your Business and Do What You Love.

What people have said about Anis' meditation sessions

"These meditation gatherings is a key feature of my daily lock-down routine and very much appreciated."

"After the session, I feel happier and well prepared for the day, thank you."

"Feel calm and peaceful after this."

"Feel good and relaxed, calm."

"Feel refreshed and more present." Thank you!"

"Stilled the monkey-mind!"

"I can actually feel the tightness in the chest start to dissipate. I’ve recommended the class to colleagues feeling stressed."

"I used to be very stressed. Now I’m more relaxed in meetings and transfer my positive energy to them and changed their behaviour towards me."

"Her mindfulness techniques are lifesavers that transform our mental readiness in meetings and presentations."

"I feel more confident than I used to be, I finally cleared out the noise in my head."

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Extra tips

Some sessions give you specific techniques & teachings to reduce stress throughout your day

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40 Videos

Immerse yourself, learning on the move, in your own time, without being overwhelmed.

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Delivered daily

To help you create a new empowering morning ritual and reinforce the habit. Watch again and again.

Anis has appeared in the following for her insights

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You will receive daily guided sessions helping you:

    • With simple tools you can use in your day
    • Knowing how to bringing instant calm
    • With practical tools to manage your stress and feel more peaceful



Times are tough. We get it. Everyone starts somewhere.


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